Thursday, February 26, 2009

For the record...

Soy milk is nasty, nasty, nasty!  Anyone want two half gallons of Silk plain?


kh said...

Matt thru the stomach issues awhile back and someone recommended soy milk. He poured it on his cereal and would only take one bite b/c it tasted as bad as it looked! Now I buy him lactose free and he seems to be fine with it.

Ali said...

Yeah, I tried some this morning on my bite sized shredded wheat. Took one bite and dumped it down the drain! Tried to pass it off on the kids so it wouldn't go to waste - Owen likes it, Lauren wasn't fooled. I had carrots and hummus for dinner last night b/c I just didn't even know where to start!

Anonymous said...

I have used soy in the past - I couldn't tell much difference in my cereal but I couldn't just drink it! Good luck! Elaine

As of 1 October 2007