Friday, October 03, 2008

After... (a post by Daddy)

- after Mommy has left town for a girls weekend...
- after 9:30 PM...
- after second dinner...
- after pull-ups and teeth brushing...
- after two wardrobe cycles to identify jammies they find acceptable...
- after having been relocated to daddy's bed...
- after two stories from the big book...(the kind where young girls always marry the guys with penchants for kissing strangers while they sleep...)

- after daddy threatens offspring for failing to heed instructions...
- after Wrestlemania '08...

Daddy:  "I really don't want to come back in here again!"
Spawn:  "I know... cuz we're gonna beat you up if you do."

- after police respond to calls from neighbors who heard the screams...
- after the judge was lenient...

... Daddy finally begins a project he's been trying to start for hours.


nancy said...

I have to travel for work and I go out of town frequently (well, it's frequent for a pregnant chick with two kids) and I would LOVE to hear my husband's story for bedtimes.

What was the time ...
1) you had in mind for betime?
2) that is their regular bedtime?
3) you actually got them into bed (the first time)?
4) they actually were down for the count?

kh said...

A girls weekend- go Ali!!
Good job Daddy. And don't worry about the police..they usually are lenient. HA!!

Ali said...

Nancy, I'm going to answer these for Adam, since he probably won't look at the comments.

1) Bedtime - what's that?
2) Between 7:30 and 8:00
3) After 9:00, I'm sure
4) I called him from my hotel around 10:25PM and they were still awake.

As of 1 October 2007