Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well, where do I begin? I'm not as eloquent with words as my dear friend Gen, but I'll do my best.

Our girlie is four today. Where has the time gone? I feel like I blinked and three years flew by. At the same time, I see home video of her at 12 months and can hardly remember her at that age.

She's a rough and tumble little chick who can hold her own with the boys, but give her a pair of dress up shoes and our hardwood floor and she's in heaven. People tell us we're lucky her personality is so strong, so no one can take advantage of her. But to have her listen to us now and then would be a good thing, at least until she knows what she's doing! She can be as stubborn as ... well, both of her parents, I guess! She is the spitting image of me when I was her age.

She can sweet talk her Noni and Papa something fierce, and she's got a convincing smile to go along with any plan she hatches. Her memory amazes me, and the girl has a better internal GPS than her great Aunt Madeline. "Mama, you just passed our street, where are you going?" "Mama, Jamba Juice is that way."

Her new favorite activity is playing with Daddy's iPhone. He will barely be in the door and she's asking "Hi Daddy, how is your iPhone?" She's a pro on the computer, navigating the (parental controlled) Internet all on her own. She's technologically savvy, this one!

Happy 4th Birthday, Sis! We love you like crazy!







Trent and Amber said...

Happy Birthday Lauren! the 13th huh? why did I think it was later in May! Oh well! Happy Bday big girl and hope you enjoy your special day! Wow! You can totally see the same eyes and she holds her mouth the same now as she did in the baby picture! how cute! :)

kh said...

Happy Birthday Lauren!
Ali- about the hats....the kids made them at preschool for us to wear during the "tea". I'm sure we were quite the sight!

Monica said...

Wahhhh!!! Why must they grow up??? Lauren is so beautiful and sounds like a lot of fun and a handful of mischief!

The McNulty Family said...

I can't believe she's 4! Wasn't she just 2??? Happy Birthday Lauren!

See you soon!!
Gen and kiddies

As of 1 October 2007