Thursday, May 07, 2009

It's called a bra

I was out clothes shopping the other day with Owen while Lauren was at school.  As I took off my shirt and jeans in the dressing room, Owen asked me, "Are you going to take your boob thing off?"


Monica said...

LOL. Eliot called mine a "seatbelt"... Poor boys.

kh said...

Hilarious! my kids have said some funny things in dressing rooms too and their little squeaky voices are so loud....

Summer said...

These kids are so funny. Kate just calls my bra "your boobs" then says she wants to help me put on my boobs.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Sydney loves to wear Christi's - on the outside of her clothes of course. She has to put it on herself - so she does the whole hook it in front and spin it around maneuver. It is very funny to watch - and very funny to see her running around the house with a bra over her clothes..... Elaine

kh said...

Summer- that is hilarious. kids crack me up.

As of 1 October 2007