Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year, same old story

Text in italic added by me:

"Alison" [4:20 P.M.]: how late are you working tonight?

"Adam-work" [4:21 P.M.]: closing. (6:30)

"Adam-work" [4:21 P.M.]: but not 8 PM (like last night)

Yada, yada, yada, etc.

"Adam-work" signed off at 8:11 P.M.


kh said...

Wow - that is a really long day for you with the kids! Let him try it and he might be home earlier...

Anonymous said...

From the profile: "I get to stay home and play with them!"

- nuff said

kh said...

"the Daddy" makes a clear point. It's just that sometimes by about 5or 6pm kids reach a level that is intolerable for us to deal with. One question: Have you considered stocking the wine rack?

Taryn said...

LOL...The Daddy sounds a lot like our Daddy!

I agree with Kelly we need re stock the wine rack and have play dates!

Monica said...

Poor Ali, and poor Daddy! I'm guessing he's not having much fun at work from 6-8pm either!

Gen McNulty said...

Need some wine?????? xoxo

As of 1 October 2007